Francis Santa is a popular businessman and entrepreneur, hence, there is no one better to give tips on how to manage business reputation than himself. Business reputation can make or break any business success. If you were able to manage it rightfully expect that it can give you high chances of becoming successful, but if not, expect the worst for your business.
Some businessmen, when they hear the phrase “business reputation management”, they feel scared and uncomfortable. They know that if they fail to manage their business reputation, they can be gone immediately.
But of course, as a business owner, you have to be on top of everything about your business. As hard as it may seem, you have to make sure that all your responsibilities are made or else, everything you have worked hard for to build will all be gone in just a snap of a finger.
To make the daunting task of business reputation management easy, here are some tips you might want to consider:
Develop a high-quality assurance standards or parameters
You have to make sure that there are high quality assurance standards or parameters in place when manufacturing products, or providing service, whatever the nature of your business may be.
Standards should be implemented all the time, and all your employees should be aware of it. You also have to provide your new employees with proper training, and your old employees with refresher when needed.
Developing high quality assurance standards or parameters for your business operations is a must, and must be followed all the time, without exemptions.
Give huge importance to timelines
You have to make sure that you always stay true with your timelines. You must not be late, and try to be ahead of your committed time if possible. One of the reasons why the reputation of a company breaks is not being able to deliver to their committed deadline.
If you want to keep your reputation intact, you have to make sure that you are closely working with timelines.
Although, there are instances when you cannot commit to a specific timeline because of unforeseen circumstances, it can be natural calamity or something else, if this happens, you have to tell your customers about it and provide them with acceptable reasons.
Be honest to your stakeholders
Your stakeholders are not limited to just your business partners, but your employees and customers as well. You have to be transparent with everyone you are working with, as through that, you can get your stakeholders’ trust and loyalty.
Honesty is a favor you can give back to everyone who is helping your business succeed.
Hire the right employees
Yes! Employees are your business’ bread and butter hence, you have to make sure that you spend time and decide rightfully when choosing who among the candidates to hire. Pick accordingly, and make sure that they can perform the job description you prescribed properly. Do not rush and take time when completing your selection process.